Saturday 13 September 2014

Netflix Recommendation Of The Week!

I've always been heavily into tattoo shows. LA Ink, Tattoo Nightmares, Miami Ink even Channel 4's My Tattoo Addiction; I loved them all! But I am sucker for a competition too so I simultaneously enjoyed things like America's Next Top Model and The Apprentice where there were contestants that were eliminated week by week. So, you can imagine my excitement when I found a TV programme that combined both of these elements.

That show was Ink Master. A programme where several talented tattoo artists from all over America are pitted against one another each to try and gain the title of the best tattooer in the biz! Each episode focuses on different tasks that will test different aspects of the artists technical skills and the one who does the worst that week gets sent home, eventually leaving only one "Ink Master".

Not only is the artwork truly impressive and one of the things I love most about the show, it's cheesy as hell and the drama between the contestants is so entertaining, particularly as you start reaching the newer seasons. As you get to know the artist's individual styles and strengths and weaknesses, you can't help but become involved in the show and gasp along when someone who only works in black and grey gets a client who wants colour.

Hosted by rock legend Dave Navarro and absolutely saturated with generic, stereotypically brilliant punk rock elements, it's the perfect reality show to binge watch when you get a spare few hours. Sadly, there are only two seasons on Netflix currently, as if you're anything like me, you'll steam though them and have watched both series within a couple of days. But heck, 2 seasons of this guilty pleasure is better than nothing!

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